Tucked away between Spain and France is the delightful enclave of Andorra, with a feast of lovely alpines in early summer. Easily combined with our Gavarnie tour.
A six-day tour with Oli Cheney
From Toulouse it is a lovely drive to Andorra and we should have time to look at plants when we arrive at our base; the village of Soldeu.
From the ski lift we can wander towards the border with France and up towards the lake, Estany de les Abelletes. Here we see the bluest of all gentians; Gentiana verna, as well as gorgeous G. alpina, Pulsatilla vernalis, P. alpina subsp. apiifolia, Anemone narcissiflora, Lychnis alpina and carmine Rhododendron ferrugineum, all in fantastic condition. Nearer to snows are Primula integrifolia and that dainty Soldanella alpina, together with Primula elatior, Iberis saxatilis, Saxifraga geranioides, a very green leaved Vitaliana primuliflora and Androsace carnea laggeri. On the way back down we follow the other side of the stream valley to look for inky purple Gentiana pyrenaica, Pinguicula and Caltha palustris. Overnight Soldeu.
A lovely stream valley that passes through woodland at first, then cliffs and opens up to turf (with ultimately a refuge at the top). The lower meadows have Trollius europaeus, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Nigritella, Narcissus poeticus, Geranium spp. and many other lovely plants. On boulders and on the cliffs, there is Androasce vandelli, which is usually a special high altitude plant but grows lower just here. Higher up there are masses of Narcissus pseudonarcissus and Ranunculus amplexicaulis. A whole day exploring this valley.
A shift in the geology to limestone means a very different flora. Beginning our walk from Passo d’Ordino we head to Casamanya. In the woodland, and here there is the sweet smelling Daphne cneorum, Helleborus foetidus and H.viridus. There is tiny Globularia repens, small Helianthemum and minute forms of Gypsophilla repens. Reaching the first rocky outcrop we find the unusual Saxifraga media. There are then Pulsatilla alpina, fine forms of Hutchinsia alpina, Brassica repanda, Iberis spathulata and Erysimum spp., masses more Saxifraga media.
Note: some steeper walking today.
Above the village we find Paradisea liliastrum, Dactylorhiza, Pinguicula, dark purple-blue Aquilegia, and a particularly good form of Narcissus poeticus. After exploring this area we will then continue to Pic Maia, whose barren appearance belies an abundance of three superb gentians; Gentiana pyrenaica, G. alpina and G. verna, as well as many other things including Silene acaulis, Erigeron uniflorus and some big forms of Ranunculus pyrenaeus.
31 May -5 June 2025
Per person: 1950 euros
Single supplement: 300 euros
Not included:
Minimum number of participants 4; maximum 10.
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