An incredible botanical and scenic journey across north-west China, crossing many flower-rich passes, vast grasslands and high lakes under the constant gaze of majestic shans. Beginning in Chengdu our journey continues into the high passes of Balang Shan, swathed in species rich meadows with slipper orchids, primulas and meconopsis. Nearby passes have unnamed new species and our journey take sus across endless flowery grasslands and yak pastures, to remote isolated peaks and the glacier clad slopes of Anyemaqen Shan where extraordinary alpines colour the scree. Beyond are little visited monasteries and the vastness of the Tibetan plateau.
An 18 day tour with Chris Gardner
Upon arrival in the huge metropolis we’ll transfer to a comfortable hotel.
Heading west we reach the edge of the Tibetan Plateau and climb into very verdant valleys swathed in forests and harbouring roses, lilies and some choice corydalis. Overnight Wolong.
The day will be spent at modest altitudes as we acclimatise. Stands of majestic Cardiocrinum giganteum subsp. yunnanense, the tall lousewort Pedicularis rex, primulas, rich pink Gentiana rubicunda and a rich assortment of woody plants, for which the area is justly famous as well as side valleys with dainty ice-blue Corydalis flexuosa. Overnight Wolong.
A quite superb high pass which heaves with Cypripedium tibeticum, Omphalogramma viola-grandis, Primula melanops, P. sikkimensis, stands of deep violet Iris chrysographes, yellow Meconopsis integrifolia, stately Veratrum grandiflorum and sombre V. nigrum together with Galearis wardii, the wonderful bicolored Pedicularis davidii and a multitude of alpine plants. Today we'll explore the lower slopes, climbing into lush meadows with fabulous landscapes all around. Overnight Rilong.
An exciting new high pass we first visited in 2019 and then again in 2024, where we encountered a fascinating new primula (as yet undescribed), as well as big clumps of Primula longipetiolata, both Saussurea medusa and S. quercifolia, Androsace brachystegia, Potentilla biflora, incredible displays of Meconopsis integrifolia and slopes with both red M. punicea and mauve M. lancifolia. An area to be explored more fully. The mountains flanking the pass have an incredible inclined strata, quite different to other areas we visit. Overnight Rilong.
Time will be spent looking at the higher slopes now that we are better acclimatised. Recent changes mean we have to walk up, but we will have all day and the reward is Meconopsis punicea, Pedicularis triangularidens, Corydalis calycosa and more, with some lovely combinations of flowers. Overnight Rilong.
We will visit Jianjin Shan to look for the black meconopsis that grows there and then continue north along a deep valley, hopefully finding the stunning coppery form of Caltha palustris and Lilium davidii along the way. Overnight Barkam.
Flowery grasslands all the way with swirls of Aster, the wrinkled leaves of Phlomis rotata, Caragana jubata, Anemone demissa, spidery Cremanthodium brunneopilosum and plentiful Pedicularis for which there is nowhere quite as rich or confusing as Sichuan. Expect to see all manner of colour and forms of these unique (ungrowable plants. Overnight Jigzhi (3627 metres).
The dramatic sawtooth ridge of Golog Shan becomes accessible across the tundra as we skirt alpine tarns and head for the lower slopes of this striking granite hulk. Here we will see the most stunning purple bowls of Meconopsis lancifolium along with Primula limbata, P. woodwardii and lovely blue forms of Anemone demissa filling the rock terraces. A remote and wonderful place. Overnight Jigzhi.
We will explore some back roads around Golog Shan and then complete our journey to Maqen where we will spend three full days exploring the surrounding high passes and spectacular lakeland. Here high moraines have the rare endemic Desideria baoigoinensis, the purple stars of Saussurea wellbyi, deep blue Meconopsis horrida, flowery mounds of Androsace mairiae, diminutive Iris potaninii, slopes filled with Incarvillea compacta and much more. Some areas we will be visiting for the first time, including hidden valleys filled with blue poppies and orange saxifrages, that surround stunning mirrored lakes. Overnight Maqen (3700 metres).
Remote Serxu lies on the edge of the vast plateau grasslands. Seldom visited monasteries are tucked away in the hills on the edge of Anyemaqen Shan, close to where we transition with to the high mountains of northern Sichuan. Stands of Iris farreri dot the stony flats and tumbling masses of Clematis tangutica drape lemon peel flowers across the rocks. We will spend time exploring the greater area too, some of which is new to us. Overnight Serxu at 4200 metres.
We will traverse the fabulous landscapes either side of the Chola Shan and make our way across the grasslands to Ganze. Various stops in the grasslands and hills will find fine-rayed Aster diplostephioides, Spiranthes chinensis, some superb Pedicularis and blue Salvia wardii, with superb views across idyllic mountain lakes framed by soaring peaks. Overnight Ganze.
Another impressive mountain area is accessed by a winding pass road where handsome Corydalis scaberula and Cremantodium decaisnei colour the scree with the fine-nerved bells of Codonopsis nervosa, dwarf Aconitum tanguticum and the bizarre rosettes of Soroseris gillii in the grassland. A spectacular location to complete our tour. Overnight Ganze.
An internal flight from Ganze arrives into Chengdu TFU (at about midday) for international connections.
28 June - 15 July 2025
Days: 18
Per person (twin share): 6095 GBP
Deposit 900 GBP
Single supplement: 650 GBPIncluded:
For more information on our tours
Turkey: +90 535 4125286 | UK: +44 (0)795 854 6807